Members |
Ronny Alexander |
Bruce Lawrence |
Larry Smith |
The Ag Advisory Board exists under the authorization of Section 6.12 of the Property Tax Code.
Its purpose is to advise the Chief Appraiser on the valuation and use of land that may be designated for agricultural use or that may be open space agricultural or timber land within the district. The boards function is to advise the Chief Appraiser on major issues dealing with agricultural and timber appraisal, such as; net to land, degree of intensity standards, and other agricultural use and appraisal issues.
The board has no decision-making authority or responsibility and shall not become involved in matters dealing with individual properties or in approving or denying applications for agricultural appraisal.
Members of the board must be owners of qualified agricultural or timber land and must have resided in the District for at least five years.
The board shall meet at the call of the Chief Appraiser at least once a year or as deemed necessary. All meetings of the board are subject to the Open Meetings Act and must have an agenda posted at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. Formal minutes must be kept.
Meetings are held in the boardroom of the appraisal district, located at 1103 Houston Street.